“Plastic Free Day” with Green Ivory in Cote d’Ivoire

Where do we stand?

Since its launch on September 20, 2024, several activities have been carried out to achieve the objectives of the project, namely: the recruitment of collection and awareness-raising agents, the collection of plastic waste in Grand-Bassam, the development of a plastic waste drop-off and storage desk, the recruitment of 20 ambassadors for the fight against plastic pollution, as well as the training of 10 Concentrix agents as eco-ambassadors.

Recruitment of 10 collection and awareness agents

On December 13, 2024, we recruited 10 collection and awareness agents to strengthen our impact in the field and facilitate collection. This has promoted the creation of 10 full-time jobs for young people in the said city of Grand-Bassam. Respectively, 05 young women and 05 young men have obtained decent work, allowing them to support themselves with training opportunities to increase their chances of getting a better job or starting an entrepreneurship, after this project.

Agent training for a never-ending start

In order to prepare them to take up their duties effectively, our 10 collection and awareness agents were trained from 13 to 14 January 2025. Thanks to seasoned trainers, they acquired knowledge on the issues of plastic pollution, techniques for collecting and sorting plastic waste as well as methods of communication, leadership and awareness among the population.

Launch of plastic waste collections

Since February 4, 2025, waste collections have been taking place every day on several beaches and districts of Grand-Bassam, with a daily target of 100 kg. This collection is facilitated by the installation of 10 containers offered by the European Union delegation, which make it possible to store, in the very short term, the plastic waste collected.

Another feat in the context of the start of the collection is the development of 20-foot containers (donated by the MSC Foundation) which serve as a storage device and a counter where people can bring their plastic waste, with a view to having it recycled.

20 eco-ambassadors recruited to be spokespersons for the project within the communities

At the same time, we have also recruited eco-ambassadors to strengthen our awareness network. These volunteers have been trained to promote eco-responsible practices and encourage the engagement of local communities. They play an essential role in the dissemination of good practices and citizen mobilization around the reduction of plastic pollution.

The beginnings of plastic waste recycling

Clean-up operations are carried out on the beaches and in the neighbourhoods. These actions are illustrated by images that show the involvement of the collection and awareness-raising agents. These actions so far have allowed us to collect more than two (02) tons of plastic.

Thanks to a partnership with a local recycling structure, our collected plastics are taken care of for recycling to give them a second life.

An impact already visible on the ground

A visible reduction in plastic waste is observed on some beaches after the visit of our collection and awareness agents. Indeed, before the arrival of the collection agents on some beaches, they looked very unsanitary and crowded with all types of waste and more particularly plastic waste which was in large numbers. To make these beaches look good again, our agents spared no effort to collect all the waste and sort it. Thus, plastic waste is sent directly to our containers and the other waste is disposed of to allow the town hall to recover it.

These are 10 young people who earn their living and develop new skills through key training. Through training in communication, mobilization, leadership and waste management, they develop their employability and strengthen their commitment to the environment. These learnings allow them to evolve professionally and explore new perspectives.

This project continues to evolve with the aim of further strengthening its impact on the environment and raising awareness among the population.

Future actions…

The coming weeks will make way for two major activities of the project:

➡️ 1- The launch of a major online and offline awareness campaign targeting 3 million people. It will start on 1 March 2025. This campaign will highlight the need for citizens to become aware of the dangers of plastic waste. It aims to transform behaviour and promote good environmental practices. This will make it possible to gradually implement ecological gestures, such as waste sorting and reducing the use of single-use plastics, in the collective consciousness.

➡️ 2- The first major clean-up day will raise awareness and collect a large amount of plastic waste on the beaches and streets of Grand-Bassam. In addition to collecting plastic waste, the objective is to gradually instill the right gestures in citizens, so as to encourage the collection of plastic waste and sorting in a systematic way. Through the mobilization of local actors, young people and the population, this day aims to create a dynamic of change so that the local population becomes an actor in the preservation of the environment.


We thank all our partners and supporters who make this project possible. Your commitment is essential to building a more sustainable future without plastic pollution.

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